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News & Events

June 28, 2024

FREE Instructional Golf Clinic for the Physically Challenged

Our FREE Instructional Golf Clinic for the Physically Challenged is also back! Mark your calendar for Friday, June 28, 10 am to noon at Meadow Links & Golf Academy at Winton Woods! Golf is a sport anyone can play – young, old, skills or no skills! Come on out and enjoy meeting people. A favorite for years.  Call 513-221-7200 to register.

May 4, 2024

Pigabilities Walk, Run, Roll 5k

Pigabilities Walk, Run, Roll 5k is Back and you are invited! Check back for more details.

Entry fees sponsored by R. J. Rosenberg Orthopedic Lab

March 2, 2024

Roll With It! Adaptive Bowling Outing at Crossgate Lanes

We had a great day on Saturday, March 2 at our first Adaptive Bowling Outing! Thank you to Jim and Adam and Blatchford for sponsoring the event! Thanks to our awesome patients and thanks to Crossgate Lanes! It was fun to have our patients come out for some fun and a great workout!

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June 9, 2023

2023 Golf Clinic

Every year our annual Golf Clinic gets better and better, and this year was sensational! Many new faces and many wonderful returning patients out enjoying the beautiful day and swinging the club! Thank you to Meadow Links & Golf Academy / Winton Wood and their pros, they were excellent as always. We also want to thank our RJRosenberg team, and it’s always great to have our founder Rich Rosenberg, CPO/L, come out for the festivities! We can’t wait for our next event. Special thanks to Karly at KM Artistry for taking some great photos!

Our annual Golf Clinic was a success! What a beautiful day and what a great story by Megan O’Rourke and FOX19. The piece featured David Backcheider, one of our patients who has a true survivor story and our own Ryan Spill, CP/L. Check it out and stay tuned for photos!

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May 6, 2023

Pigabilities Walk, Run, Roll!

Such an amazing day. Our patients and their families and friends rocked it! We are so proud to have been a part of Pigabilities Walk, Run, Roll! It was great and we will be doing it again so start training! Thanks to all our patients and their families, the organizers, sponsors, the weather!

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March 6, 2023

Amputee Running Clinic and Hand Cycling Clinic

R. J. Rosenberg Orthopedic Lab was a sponsor and participated in the Amputee Running Clinic and Hand Cycling Clinic, conducted by and also sponsored by The Bridge Adaptive Sports & Rec, Fillauer, the University of Cincinnati Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, and others in February. The event was very successful, and RJR’s Ryan Spill and Katie Johnson had a great time! Amputees had an opportunity to try out prostheses from manufacturer #Fillauer. Ryan and Katie did the prosthetic fittings. Check out the photos. We hope to do some more events like this and hope more of our patients will join us!

#amputees #amputeestrong #healthyliving #limblossawareness #RJRcares #RJRprosthetics

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July 21, 2022

Technologically Advanced Ability Hand

Nolan, 16, was recently fitted with the Ability Hand by Ryan Spill, CP/L. Ryan initially met 5-year-old Nolan, who was born with left arm difference below the elbow, in Philadelphia where Ryan was then working. When Nolan was ready for a high-tech prosthesis, he came to Cincinnati to the R.J. Rosenberg Orthopedic Lab and met with Ryan and Dr. Aadeel Akhtar, the developer of the Ability Hand and founder of PSYONIC, an advanced prosthetic device company.

The Ability Hand provides Nolan increased functionality and flexibility as the system has sensors in its fingertips that detect pressure when gripping an object and sends a vibration to the arm to communicate that sensation. The technology lets Nolan feel what he is doing, enabling work with even the most delicate objects. All five fingers flex and extend and the thumb rotates.

If you know someone who would benefit from the Ability Hand, contact Ryan at 531-221-7200.

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March 4, 2022

The P&O Industry held its 48th Annual Academy Meeting and Scientific Symposium (American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists) March 2-5, in Atlanta. Our Clinical Director, Ryan Spill, CP/L, joined a panel of upper extremity experts from across the US to give a presentation on Upper Limb Prosthetics; Ryan presented virtually. Our team participates in meetings annually to gain and share information to enhance the care for our patients.

48th Annual Academy Meeting and Scientific Symposium
48th Annual Academy Meeting and Scientific Symposium
February 2, 2022

Adjustable Sockets Yield Positive Results

We are pleased to share that RJ Rosenberg Orthopedic had a case study, called “Adjustable Sockets Yield Positive Results,” published in THE ACADEMY TODAY, Winter 2022, Vol 18, No 1.

The study covered the following commercially available adjustable systems: LIM Innovations’ Infinite Socket, CJ Socket Technologies’ CJ Socket, Martin Bionics’ Socket-less Socket, and ClickMedical’s BOA Fit System.

The outcomes were positive and patients were more comfortable and stable. The main purposes of these designs were to meet patients’ specific needs and help them reach their activity and functional goals.

If you have questions about adjustable sockets, call your practitioner at RJ Rosenberg to arrange a consultation.