Ossur Balance Foot: A lightweight, comfortable, waterproof foot created to meet the daily needs of less-active amputees, the cover features a steady-grip sole and a sandal clamping toe, allowing users to wear various footwear. The cushioning heel foam with gradual stiffening along with the wide sole blade offers increased stability and smooth rollover.
Ottobock Aqua Knee: Featuring a miniature hydraulic unit and a lock to provide enhanced stability when standing, this lightweight knee is water-resistant. When unlocked, the knee can be adjusted to improve the swing phase based on the amputee’s needs.
Rush H2O Foot: Designed for use as a shower foot, for barefoot pursuits, or non-invasive water sports, users will experience improved grip and feel confidence on slick surfaces.
Rush EVAQ8 Foot: Offering maximum vacuum proficiency, the cohesive design steadies volume, enhances linkage, and amplifies proprioception. Designed for all-terrains, it is fully-submersible (fresh or salt water) and needs minimal upkeep.